In Time and Tide

In Time and Tide is my first endeavor into the world of video. This visual story came about after years of working as a wedding photographer and spending my weekends documenting the joyous first moments of marriages, to then come home to a real working marriage of 23 years. I was fascinated with the contrast between the wedding celebration and the institution of marriage which was being celebrated. While I drew inspiration from the ebb and flow of my own experience in marriage, I also explored the loss of identity which often happens to a woman within the confines of marriage and domestic life.

In this piece, I animated a series of still images to feel reminiscent of old 16mm home movies and carousel slide show projection, which was the way I viewed my own parents’ marital history. 

Featuring: Alison & Brad Smith

Dance: Alison Smith, UCSD Faculty, Department of Theater and Dance

Music: Low Roar